Barbra Streisand

2018年12月25日—What'sonMyMind·Don'tLietoMe·Imagine/WhatAWonderfulWorld·Walls·LadyLiberty·WhattheWorldNeedsNow·BetterAngels·Love'sNever ...,2018年11月2日—唯有愛能打破一切高牆.BarbraStreisand/Walls芭芭拉史翠珊/高牆◎最偉大女歌手繼2005年《美麗的原罪G...。參考影片的文章的如下:


Barbra Streisand Walls (Vinyl)

2018年12月25日 — What's on My Mind · Don't Lie to Me · Imagine/What A Wonderful World · Walls · Lady Liberty · What the World Needs Now · Better Angels · Love's Never ...

Barbra Streisand Walls

2018年11月2日 — 唯有愛能打破一切高牆. Barbra Streisand / Walls 芭芭拉史翠珊/ 高牆 ◎ 最偉大女歌手繼2005年《美麗的原罪Guilty Pleasures》後,相隔13年全球期待 ...

Barbra Streisand

Walls is the stunning 2018 album from Barbra Streisand. This collection is Streisand's first album primarily consisting of original songs since 2005.


Walls is the stunning new album from Barbra Streisand. This collection is Streisand's first album primarily consisting of original songs since 2005.

Walls (Barbra Streisand album)

Walls is the thirty-sixth studio album by American singer-songwriter Barbra Streisand, released on November 2, 2018, by Columbia Records.


在Apple Music 上聆聽Barbra Streisand的《Walls》- 2018年・11 首歌曲・長度:47 分鐘.


Walls-歌詞- Walls, high and low Thick and thin They keep you out, they keep you in Walls narrow and wide Round the square with warning signs W ... Walls. Barbra ...


2018年12月25日—What'sonMyMind·Don'tLietoMe·Imagine/WhatAWonderfulWorld·Walls·LadyLiberty·WhattheWorldNeedsNow·BetterAngels·Love'sNever ...,2018年11月2日—唯有愛能打破一切高牆.BarbraStreisand/Walls芭芭拉史翠珊/高牆◎最偉大女歌手繼2005年《美麗的原罪GuiltyPleasures》後,相隔13年全球期待 ...,Wallsisthestunning2018albumfromBarbraStreisand.ThiscollectionisStreisand'sfirstalbumprimarilyconsistingoforig...